Condo Hotel Software
Accounting Program & Owner Relations Websites
As a developer, you know that maintaining good communication and owner relations are an essential part of your condo hotel operations. We at Condo Hotel Center have established a relationship with an experienced market leader that specializes in condo hotel management software.
That software includes two main components: 1) Owner Accounting Software customized to your rental management agreements, and 2) Owner Relations Websites interfaced with the property management system of your choice. Here are some of the features of the programs:
Condo Hotel Owner Accounting Program includes:
- Fractional or whole ownership accounting
- Tracking rental and non-rental units
- FF&E and reserve account management
- Tax withholding for foreign owners
- Post miscellaneous charges
- Setup recurring charges
- Unlimited contract profiles
- Automated departure housekeeping fees
- Revenue allocated by unit or pooling mechanism
- Fair use room allocation reporting
- Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
- Post owner payments
- Cashier reports
- Generate 1099’s
- Interfaced to the PMS or reservation system of your choice
See a sample Contract Profile here.
Condo Hotel Owner Relations Websites include:
- Unique, secure, password-protected web portal access for each unit-owner
- Current and historical rental revenue statements
- Room reservation status
- Owner reservation requests
- Owner detail management
- Document repository
- Messaging by owner or owner group with archive
- Frequently asked questions specific to the property
- Important contacts
- Resort information including restaurants, activities, events, etc.
See a sample Owner Statement here.
For further information or to request a demonstration of these condo hotel management products, please contact us and we will put you in touch with the appropriate individuals.
Contact us at or call (954) 450-1929. (No obligation, of course!).